Update Date : 01/07/2021
Dear Students your online class again start from 02/07/2021

MUS Public School was founded in 2011 to provide an all-round education to all section of society, regardless of caste, creed or financial status....
Technology and innovation are going to be the key facilitators of success in future. Dream big, think big, experiment and be passionate in whatever you do....
Life is a journey. The path we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to, is up to us.  We determine our destination. For us, this journey of excellence is perennial...

Our Mission

Mission of this school is not of the conventional and the ordinary type but practically and intrinsically excellent; its students par excellent in body, mind and character, who will stand out, compete and come out successful in all conditions under all circumstances.

Quality and quantity do not go together. The school will be very selective at every stage and will not entertain more than 40-45 students in each section in a class.

Admission Procedure

Admission to classes I to IX is generally restricted to students from the CBSE school and, are subject to the availability of seats. It is open to all pupils regardless of caste or creed and will be made on the basis of an entrance test. Admitted students are to produce Transfer Certificates from the previous schools. For admission to LKG a child should be 4 years of age on 1 st June of the school year in which admission is sought. For class I, the child must have completed 6 years of age on 31 st May.